Senin, 30 November 2009


you were my strength when i was weak. you were my voice when i couldn't speak. you were my eyes when i couldn't see. you saw the best there was in me. lifted me up when i couldn't reach. you gave me faith 'coz you belived. i'm everything i am .because you loved me

Kamis, 26 November 2009

story about Love

rasa yang tak kunjung henti sLaLu mnghantui diriku yg kini sendiri wLwPun hanya sementara..rasa ini tak kan bisa ku tahan karna rasa ini terlalu kuat untuk ku tahan..cinta itu yg terlalu kuat untukku..smakin Lma qu mnahanya smkin Lmah Qu mnahan prsaan rindu ini kepadamu..

Minggu, 22 November 2009

keuntungan dan kerugian junk food

profit junk food:
-fast food
-there anywhere

loss of junk food:
-caused diseases
-not good for your body
-create a lazy cook
-is not good for health

my family

My family consists of three people are mother, sister, and me.
I also have a father but he was dead.
My sister was in college majoring in hotel in the 1st semester Gatot Subroto street.
My mother worked as a housewife, but she also worked as a kindergaten teacher.
My mother's activities as arisan lot.
and I also have another family such as grandmother, uncle, aunt, nephew, cousin.
tp their house apart from my house.
They also like to visit my house.
and that's my family.
tp no longer a family that has not been called that my cat.
My cat was regarded as my own family.

Sabtu, 14 November 2009

bandung euy

9uys,kalian tau BANDUNG kan?

sp c yang gak tau bandung.tempat factory outlet terkern TU TEMPAT BELANJA PALING ASIK,COZY.TAPI KALIAN TAU GAK ADA KOMUNITAS APA AJA DI BANDUNG??


1) TOBUCIL (toko buku kecil)

lokasi : jL.aceh No.56 bdg


bagi yang suka baca


Lokasi: 18th park.jL.maratadinata no.18

yang satu ini bagi yang suka skateboard


Lokasi: jl.ternate,jl.cikapayang balai kota bandung

bagi pecinta sepeda yang di modif.

soooo,,,lets go to bandung

menceritakan profil pribadi

Resti eka my name but ordinary princess called "rere". I graduated from high school to college PB.SOEDIRMAN now in college majoring GUNADARMA manajamen informatika D3 will tell about me.i'm complete profile of a woman who's funny, beautiful, smart (sometimes), rame, exciting, cool, but sometimes slow think said i'm the first child of two brothers.

Kamis, 05 November 2009

serba jepang

Seberapa tau c kamu tentang tokyo jepang??

Nii Qu ksih tau.kalian tau kan tempat anak remaja muda yang punya style tinggi atau keren ?? klo yang belum tau , nii QU KASIH TAU NAMA TEMPATNYA YAITU HARAJUKU STREET disana banyak anak muda berani berpakaian serba unik dan penuh personality..patut dijadikan inspirasi tuuh!! and then klo yang suka shoping disana itu harganya cukup terjangkau kok!! tempat belanja pernak-pernik juga ada di ASAKUSA.. Well kalian tau gak nama tempat tinggalnya HELLO KITTY?? ok,,yaitu PUROLAND ..di puroland itu kalian bisa ketemu hello kity langsung LOh ,pernak-pernik serba hello kitty sampe2 foodcourtnya ada makanan berbentuk hello kitty and tokoh-tokoh sanrio..wah lucu-lucu banged yiia..ok baru itu informasi yang Qu dapat,,semoga kalian senang membacanya dan silahkan berkunjung ke tokyo jepang tentunya..!!